5 Best Exercises to Strengthen Your Quadriceps Muscles

5 Exercises to Strengthen Your Quadriceps Muscles

Think about your typical day: waking up, doing housework, going to the office, getting groceries, and occasionally playing sports.

Have you found any similarities in your routine activities?

They all compel you to use your quadriceps, one of the important muscle groups required for proper knee function.

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Benefits of Physiotherapy for Trapezius Muscles

Uncovering the Benefits of Physiotherapy for Trapezius Muscles

A largest muscle group that runs across the neck, upper back, shoulders and chest, is called trapezius muscle. This muscle serves many functions in our bodies, including lifting our heads up and shrugging off our shoulders. The majority of the muscles in the back facilitate movement, rotation, and stabilization of the shoulder blade. This flat, wide muscle, which covers the majority of the upper back, and posterior of the neck, is responsible for making the back comfortable.

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How Physiotherapy can heal headache and 5 Exercises to get rid of it

How Physiotherapy can heal headache and 5 Exercises to get rid of it

Well we all at some point of our lives must have gone through severe headaches. And according to researchers, headaches are one of the most common conditions worldwide. Most people will experience headaches at one time or another. Even when you are reading this blog, around 15% of people are currently taking pain relief medication for headaches.

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Shoulder Pain Statists, prevention and the effectiveness of COPA therapy.

Shoulder Pain Statists, prevention and the effectiveness of COPA therapy.

Studies show that between 18-26% of adults experience shoulder pain at some point in their life time [1]. Shoulders are most commonly injured by falls or physically demanding sports such as tennis, rugby and weight lifting. The ligaments, muscles and tendons around the shoulder play an important role in stabilising and controlling purposeful movement through a complex series of biomechanical inter-related movements of the shoulder blade and collarbone. These injuries should start to feel better after 2 weeks, but could take up to 6 months to fully heal.

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Achilles Tendinitis how to avoid overuse and injury

Achilles Tendinitis: how to avoid overuse and injury.

Sports injuries are common, particularity in younger adults and children. Studies show that over 3.5 million children in the USA alone, are injuries as part of organised sports [1]. Achilles Tendinitis accounts for approximately 30% of sports injuries [2]. The Achilles the band of tissue that connects calf muscles at the back of the lower leg to your heel bone.

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How to avoid unnecessary spinal surgery COPA therapy bridging the gap in the research

How to avoid unnecessary spinal surgery: COPA therapy bridging the gap in the research.

Chronic pain can happen to anyone at any time. This can be triggered by an injury or years of build-up and without any warning; you’re in pain. This pain can be very sudden and severe and really impact your daily life.

This is when people turn to chiropractors, physiotherapists, Osteopaths – you name it – looking for someone to cure their pain. However, many patients claim that none of this works for them. This is a really dangerous situation as this can lead people being sent to unnecessary spinal surgery. Research suggests that up to 90% of spinal surgery is unnecessary; and this is the failure to achieve pain relief that causes such a tragic statistic [1].

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