What is Foam Rolling

What is Foam Rolling?

Foam rolling is a self-massage technique, that involves applying pressure to the affected muscle or fascia via a foam roller. This form of training attempts to improve functional properties of the muscular connective tissues within the human body; ligaments, tendons and joint capsules. When our muscles move there is mechanical strain upon the fascia and therefore foam rolling is used to prevent this.

This activity is usually performed before exercise usually to prepare the muscles and after exercise to reduce muscle soreness, by improving range of movement and reducing pain transmission. In addition, foam rolling performed a few times a day proves an increase in blood flow to the worked muscles, overall reducing inflammation and tightness that is present around the area. In addition, foam rolling can aid in muscle repair after strenuous activity, reducing the presentation of possible chronic pain.

Practical application of foam rolling has been suggested at a frequency of 3-5 sets of 20-30 second repetitions a day. This should be performed 3-5 times per week on a consistent basis to achieve and retain chronic/long term benefits. It is important to complete foam rolling in sections of the body and ensure you’re breathing effectively during it.

However, although there are proven benefits relating to foam rolling there is no specific way to perform rolling upon specific muscle groups and therefore different positions may be more effective than others, and should be taken into account.

Foam rollers can be purchased in the majority of sports stores at a low cost, and would be advised highly by CT clinic to complement the treatment we provide.