Daily knee stretches are vital if you have job which involves knee movements such as walking, standing up, going up and down or play sport such as football, basketball, squash and running to keep the knee muscles, joints and ligaments in healthy state and avoid knee pain.
Welcome to the 3rd episode of 2 Minutes Pain With Ammar, this week we are going to talk about lower back pain during driving. Millions of people over the world are suffering from lower back problems, what's the causes and how to avoid it. In this episode we will take you in a tour to explain the reasons behind lower back pain while driving.
Welcome in the second episode of 2 Minutes Pain With Ammar, this week we are going to talk about lower back pain. Millions of people over the world are suffering from lower back problems, what's the causes and how to avoid it. In this episode we will take you in a tour to explain the reasons behind lower back pain and how to avoid it or treat it.
After 18 years of treating complicated cases I would like to share with you my rich knowledge and expertise to coach you how to avoid pain. Pain doesn't come suddenly, it develops through daily activities and bad habits, therefore every week I will share with you a two minutes video to give you understanding and to provide you with techniques on how to avoid pain.
CT Clinic is the leading specialist pain treatment centre in Manchester. We aim to transform people’s lives by not only managing their pain, but addressing the causes. Our unique, Comprehensive Treatment (CT) system utilises a holistic approach to achieve long-term results.
Daily neck stretches are vital if you have an office job as muscle tightness will be building up because of the head posture and stress from work. Stretches are recommended every few hours for upper back pain.
Daily lower back stretches are vital to break the lactic acid of your lower back if you have stiffness, also doing these stretches four time a week are vital to avoid lower back pain as lower back muscles are working 24/7 to keep our spine straight.