Benefits of physiotherapy for elderly people

Physiotherapy for Seniors: How It Can Help with Aging and Age-Related Conditions

Our bodies undergo many physical changes as we age or get older. These changes can cause muscle weakness, bone density, coordination problems, and stiffening of the joints. This can sometimes lead to falls or fractures.

Aging  includes a decline in bone density, decreased muscle strength, and an increase in body fat. Poor coordination and stiff joints can also affect elderly people’s mobility and balance.

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7 effective tips to manage your pain while traveling

How to manage chronic pain while traveling

Traveling can be difficult for people with chronic pain. You might consider avoiding it altogether.

Chronic pain can be a constant burden for those who suffer from it, and it can make even the simplest tasks a challenge. However, for those who love to travel, chronic pain can be particularly difficult to manage.

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Ways physiotherapy can treat muscle strain

10 ways physiotherapy can treat muscle strain

Anyone can come across a muscle strain at any time. To pull a muscle strain, you don’t have to be a sprinter or a bodybuilder.

A Chronic Pain Specialist might be recommended by your doctor, family member or friend if you have ever suffered from a muscle strain. It’s simple to take medication temporarily and control pain if you don’t have any prior knowledge.

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8 Ways to ease tension headaches

8 Ways to ease tension headaches

Tension headaches are well-known for their intense discomfort. These headaches usually occur in the afternoon. It causes mild to moderate pain, which can feel like a tightness or a band of pressure.

It is one of the most common types of headache in adults.

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Different types of Bone Fractures

10 Different types of Bone Fractures

At some or the other time in your life, you must have come across a situation where your bones feel more pressure that they split or break.

We can understand that this situation might have been devastating for you to deal with!

As per the research, approximately 300,000 people in the UK experience a fracture every year. Women are more likely to experience fractures than men, with the highest incidence occurring in postmenopausal phase.

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8 Common running injuries you must know about

What are running injuries? 8 Common running injuries

Running can be very taxing on your body. Even though you may experience minor aches and discomforts, being sidelined by a running injury is not something any runner would want. It can be difficult to determine what is causing a problem if it bothers you.

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How can a professional chiropractor help boost the immune system?

How chiropractic care can improve your immune system?

You’ve found the right place if you are curious about how chiropractic care can boost your immune system. It is not surprising that people are sick throughout the year.

An immunity pattern is something you may have heard about. In this blog we will discuss how chiropractic care can boost your immunity system.

So if you want to know in detail about it, then do stick with us till the end!

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Causes and treatments to heal Quadratus Lumborum muscle pain

Quadratus Lumborum – Causes and treatments to relieve your muscles from pain

The Quadratus Lumborum is a muscle located in the lower back region of the body. It is located on either side of the spine and runs between the last rib and the top of the hipbone.

The QL muscle is responsible for maintaining stability in the lower back and is involved in movements such as twisting and bending to the sides. It is also involved in breathing, as it helps to control the movement of the diaphragm.

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Ways to heal Rhomboid Major pain at home

Rhomboid Major – Ways to heal the nagging pain around the muscle at home

Have you ever felt pain beneath or near your shoulder blade?

This is the bone that runs from your ribcage to the back of your shoulder.

The shoulder blade connects to your spine and ribs through your rhomboid muscle. If the rhomboid muscle gets injured then it can highly affect your mobility. There are many treatments that can help heal the discomfort and one of those treatments can be Physiotherapy in Manchester and Stockport.

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