Benefits of physiotherapy for elderly people

Physiotherapy for Seniors: How It Can Help with Aging and Age-Related Conditions

Our bodies undergo many physical changes as we age or get older. These changes can cause muscle weakness, bone density, coordination problems, and stiffening of the joints. This can sometimes lead to falls or fractures.

Aging  includes a decline in bone density, decreased muscle strength, and an increase in body fat. Poor coordination and stiff joints can also affect elderly people’s mobility and balance.

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7 effective tips to manage your pain while traveling

How to manage chronic pain while traveling

Traveling can be difficult for people with chronic pain. You might consider avoiding it altogether.

Chronic pain can be a constant burden for those who suffer from it, and it can make even the simplest tasks a challenge. However, for those who love to travel, chronic pain can be particularly difficult to manage.

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6 Powerful treatments to treat your torn bicep tendon injury

6 Effective Treatments for Torn Bicep Tendon Injuries

In between the elbows and shoulders is a sizable muscle called the bicep. Tendons are built to support the bicep’s movement by connecting it to the bones of the arm.

There are 3 tendons out of which two are in the shoulders and one at the elbow in the forearm. 3 of these tendons connect the bicep to the bones. These tendons enable the arm to flex and assist in holding the bicep in position. Damage to any of these tendons is referred to as a bicep tear. And this tear can be uncomfortable and leads to restricting arm movement.

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5 Best Exercises to Strengthen Your Weak Hamstring

5 Best Exercises to Strengthen Your Weak Hamstring

Walking, running, cycling or even hiking, To perform every activity it is crucial to have a strong hamstring muscle. As Hamstring muscles get involved in the majority of our routine task, it is important to add on a few effective hamstring exercises to ensure that you don’t get any muscle spasm.

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5 Best Exercises to Strengthen Your Quadriceps Muscles

5 Exercises to Strengthen Your Quadriceps Muscles

Think about your typical day: waking up, doing housework, going to the office, getting groceries, and occasionally playing sports.

Have you found any similarities in your routine activities?

They all compel you to use your quadriceps, one of the important muscle groups required for proper knee function.

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